Beer Trek

I drank my first beer around a campfire in the Northwoods of Wisconsin when I was 16 years old. Due in no small part to that experience, a hearty drink—in my mind—is always best after a bit of adventure, ideally with steadfast compatriots. Continue Reading “Beer Trek”


Ruminations on storytelling, heroes and comic book worlds as encouraged by “Iron Man 2”

I saw “Iron Man 2” last night, and while it’s not a groundbreaking landmark in filmmaking history, I thought it was a darn good action flick. I laughed, I thrilled to the excitement, I got pumped up and I even got a little emotional, but most importantly, I left happy.

Iron Man 2

However, I think the most interesting—and encouraging—thing “Iron Man 2” did for me happened after I left the theater. The film had actively engaged my nerd brain to the point where I ended up turning over numerous thoughts about the character of Iron Man and, furthermore, the universe he resides in before branching out to comparisons between other fictional worlds. That’s the mark of a good comic flick, in my estimation. It gets you excited to think about superheroes again.
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What ongoing comic series should I begin collecting as graphic novels?

A while back, I asked for suggestions on how to keep up with comics in a price effective way. In the few comments and conversations I had about the subject, the answer came back resoundingly that reading comics once they are collected is cheaper (Math I could do on my own, but glad to get some feedback as well) and just as satisfying, especially as it allows you to avoid a majority of the crap that hits stands.
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Hollywood Overhaul: Remaking Better Comic Movies

I was digging through some old files on my computer when I came across a piece I pitched to CBR during my brief freelance jaunt, but couldn’t follow through on due to my employment at Dark Horse. Luckily, I wrote an initial draft so it was all ready to be adapted for blogging…
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My Best of 2009, or Some Stuff I Read and Liked

Come December, the “Best Of” lists begin rolling out and I realize how few of this year’s massive amount of great books I read in the past 365 days. Keeping up with every exciting indie and explosive mainstream title is hard work in this economy, even for a guy who ended up getting most of his comics via comped copies in 2009. Still, though I may not have read much that’s made people’s top ten lists this year, but I have read a ton of great comics in 2009.
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A little ‘s’ goes a long way

Last week while reading Frank Stack’s The New Adventures of Jesus—a satire strip done intermittently over 40 years about what Jesus would see in humanity if he returned to Earth—I noticed an (almost) familiar name that I was definitely surprised to see.
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What’s a book without an intro? Or, why I love supplementary text in my graphic novels.

Over the past year as a comic reader, I’ve come to a unexpected realization: I love graphic novel introductions and written supplements. Be it the enthralling backup in the first Starman Omnibus where James Robinson explains how his unique series came to be, Brian K. Vaughan apologizing for his early work in DC’s False Faces trade containing some of the scribe’s early superhero tales or the lengthy but informative epilogue’s recapping the life of Robert E. Howard in Dark Horse’s Conan collections, I love reading as much as I can about the process that went into making these great reads.
Continue Reading “What’s a book without an intro? Or, why I love supplementary text in my graphic novels.”


Why I love Steve Rogers: A tribute to Cap’s return and a boyhood story.

An explanation:
This week, Marvel announced that an upcoming miniseries called Captain America: Reborn will bring the original Captain America, Steve Rogers, back from the dead after his assassination two years ago.
Continue Reading “Why I love Steve Rogers: A tribute to Cap’s return and a boyhood story.”


Enemy of Peanuts at MoCCA 2010?

Greetings loyal blog-readers!
I was having a conversation with Rowdy Schoolyard‘s Dave Paggi (the creator of Pancake Lover) and started getting really excited about the prospect of teaming up for a table at next year’s MoCCA Festival. However, as someone who tends to get extremely excited about things—in both good and bad ways—I thought putting a few things out here would (A) help me get some good feedback from a varied audience about how to make this cool plan a successful reality and (B) put my commitment to this idea “on paper” in the blogosphere, thus making it all the more important I follow through on it.
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