Hellboy Doodle

I pulled out my pens earlier and doodled this Hellboy image, colored it a few ways and thought I’d post the results here. I’m still getting back in the swing of doodling (Please note: This is not art, nor will you hear me calling it that—’cause it isn’t art.) so I stuck with a simple bust-shot and an angle that always comes easily for me when I’m “cartooning.” Anywho, here are the images. I hope you dig them.
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I’ve got an arrow through my heart for “Eros Inc.”

For roughly a month, I’ve been contemplating the best way to express my feelings (via blog) about the webcomic “Eros Inc.” Thanks to a recent purchase, my jumbled thoughts—thoughts so jumbled due to how much I truly enjoy this comic—have gained a little organization and I’ll now commence spouting my admiration for this strip by Michael May. Let the gushing begin!
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